ABA’s ICC Project hosted a discussion on the success and failures of the Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal.
Washington, D.C., Feb. 25, 2014 – The American Bar Association’s (ABA) International Criminal Court (ICC) Project will hold a discussion today at Georgetown Law on the accomplishments and shortcomings of the Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal. Michael Greco, former ABA president and chair of the ABA’s ICC Project, will moderate a discussion between U.S. Ambassador for Global Criminal Justice, Stephen Rapp, Mr. Toby Cadman, a distinguished international criminal defense attorney, and a representative of the Bangladesh government.
To view the event recap, click here.
The American Bar Association’s (ABA) International Criminal Court (ICC) Project is an independent initiative of the ABA Center for Human Rights that advances international criminal justice and US-ICC relations through advocacy, education and practical legal assistance. More information about the ABA’s ICC Project can be found at its website.